Thursday, August 29, 2013

A visit from an NFL, All-Pro, Superbowl Champion

Over the summer we like to have numerous guest speakers to come and talk to the team about the impact that football has had on their lives.  We were very fortunate this year to have three speakers take time out of their days to come and share their thoughts with the team.  Our local pizza mogul, Rich Ohare, Happy Joes Pizza entrepreneur and a great Bobcat supporter, started out our guest speaker circuit with his playing days at Iowa and Arizona.  He talked about how his college experiences led him to the NFL where he had the opportunity to play with a couple of teams in the league before deciding to settle down into a career and a family.  His passion about striving to be your best at any endeavor was heard and felt by all of those in attendance.  Success breeds success.  It was no lucky chance that he has been successful in football, business, family, and life.  Rich is a great role model for the young men of our community and a shining example of the rewards of hard work.

The second speaker in our line-up was Josh Lenz.  I talked about him on the last blog.  Josh is a great young man with a lot of opportunity.  We hope his NFL career is prolonged and successful.  Mr. Ohare gave us the mature outlook of a man who has been there.  Josh gave us the bright young enthusiastic look of a rookie in the league.  It was a great contrast to have both of them talk.

The final speaker of our summer was Marshal Yanda.  Marshal needs very little introduction in this part of the country...make that any part of the country.  As a two-time pro-bowler, and a super bowl champion, Mr. Yanda made quite the impact on the Bobcat team.  It isn't every day that you get this opportunity.  Thanks to his college roommate and current Bobcat coach, Mike Elgin, we were able to listen to the number one ranked offensive guard in the country.  He is a super star with a major contract, yet he showed up to speak fresh off the farm.  He pulled up in a Gator with a towel around his neck.  He was dripping with sweat from his head to his toes.  It was obvious that he came straight from doing chores at the farm.  He told the team stories of the super bowl and the pro bowl and all of the fun he had playing with some of the greatest players on the planet.  Then he told the team how he got to where he is.  It was no great secret!  Hard work!  He talked about the fact that he just flat out busts his butt to be successful.  Some people are born with a ton of talent, but everyone can work hard and make themselves better.  That was his underlying message.  It was real and to the point!  The kids ate it up!

The talk went on and on with the team holding on to every word he shared.  You could see it in their eyes that they all wanted a part of what he has.  Mr. Yanda made it evidently clear that if you give 100% of yourself to your dreams, anything is possible.  We are so grateful to have had a man of Marshal Yanda's stature share his time with a group of high school athletes.  He is a true gentleman and a great representative for the NFL.  Next time you see him on T.V., cheer a little louder for him.  He is 100% class, and he has the Bobcat Nation behind him all the way!

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